From left: My nephew, me, my daughter, my wife, my son, and my father. Three happy generations. That was in 2006.

Nothing is important here. Just some random stuff.
I live near Los Angeles, since I moved here eight years ago. I grew up in Shenzhen, China, a border town near Hong Kong. Cantonese is my native language. I also speak Mandarin. Cantonese and Mandarin are just two Chinese dialects, among hundreds of others.
I am married to a lovely woman for more than twenty years. I consider myself a lucky man. I have a daughter and a son. My daughter just finished college this year and is now working in New York City. So you can guess I have reached a certain age.
My life is pretty simple. I am a scientist/engineer at the Machine Learning and Instrument Autonomy Group at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL/NASA), a fun place to spend time at. Off work, I swim, play table tennis (at the entry level), read randomly, and write in Chinese. I am a gadget lover, perhaps spending way too much money buying electronics.
In my first thirty years of life, my only name was 汤奔阳. When I came to North America to study, I added another name: Benyang Tang. Of course, I am still the same person.